Self Breast Exam

Breast Self Exam Tool

Monthly breast self-exams are an option for all women beginning by age 20. Women who regularly examine their breasts become more aware of how their breasts normally feel. They are more likely to notice changes -- including masses or lumps -- that could be early signs of cancer. It's best to check about a week after your period, when breasts are not swollen or tender. If you no longer have a period, examine yourself on the same day every month. If you see or feel a change in your breasts, see your doctor immediately. But remember, most of the time breast changes are not cancer .

How to examine your breasts

Lie down and place your right arm behind your head. The exam is done while lying down, not standing up. This is because when lying down the breast tissue spreads evenly over the chest wall and is as thin as possible, making it much easier to feel all the breast tissue.
Use the finger pads of the 3 middle fingers on your left hand to feel for lumps in the right breast. Use overlapping dime-sized circular motions of the finger pads to feel the breast tissue.

Move around the breast in an up and down pattern starting at an imaginary line drawn straight down your side from the underarm and moving across the breast to the middle of the chest bone (sternum or breastbone). Be sure to check the entire breast area going down until you feel only ribs and up to the neck or collar bone.

There is some evidence to suggest that the up-and-down pattern (sometimes called the vertical pattern) is the most effective pattern for covering the entire breast, without missing any breast tissue.

Practice monthly self-breast exam.

It is important to get an idea of what your breasts feel like normally as this will enable you to be more aware of changes if they develop. You are the best authority on your own breasts. Doing self breast exam every month helps you become that authority.

It's a good idea to ask you health care provider to learn about doing self-breast exam and explain to you what you are feeling in the breast tissue so you are aware of what's normal. That way you can learn more about the difference in feel between normal breast tissue and lumps that may be of concern.
If you are still menstruating, it is best to wait at least two to three days after your period ends to do the self-breast exam when your breasts are less likely to be swollen and tender.


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